Get a globally recognized certificate from Stanford University in the US, the University of Cambridge in UK, and the British Professional Training Corporation (CPD)
Join more than 30 million learners around the world
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As we know these days, the importance of having a certificate increases greatly, because it demonstrates the acquired skills and serves as a tangible proof of your competence in a particular field. Certification contributes to giving professional credibility and makes you more competitive in the job market. In addition to international recognition, Alison's certificate has an international and global reputation among operators around the world such as Google and Microsoft, more than 30 million learners around the world and more than 6 million graduates in various fields.
Why Alison's certificate?
Global reputation
Alison's certificate is globally recognized
Job opportunities
Alison’s certificate opens doors to many job opportunities
Alison's certificate enhances your CV and makes it stand out
Employers' confidence
Allison's certificate is trusted by employers around the world
Alison’s certificate increases your competitiveness in the job market
Alison’s certificate gives credibility to your skills and experience
More than 195 countries worldwide
More than 30 million learners worldwide
More than 4000 field of study
More than 6 million graduates worldwide
Stanford University
University of Cambridge
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Alison's certificate is recognized by international universities and institutions
People who have received Alison's certificate
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Place Port Said N 43 El Jadida
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Monday - Sunday
From 9 am to 10 pm
Andre De La Rosa is an American, Allison certified
Vernon Maxwell is an is an American, Allison certified
Morgan Ballou is an American, Allison certified